Upcoming Events

There is always something for everyone, whether you're new to yoga and meditation or an experienced practitioner. Our calendar is filled with a variety of events designed to meet the needs of all participants. From peaceful meditation sessions and invigorating yoga classes to transformative workshops and community gatherings.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a technique for personal growth that has been practiced for thousands of years around the world with repeatable results.

There is no aspect of your life that cannot be improved by meditation, whether it be in business, relationships, health, or developing any personal quality, such as willpower.

The highest purpose of meditation, however, is to discover your Highest Self.

About Ananda

Ananda is a global spiritual movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and dedicated to helping individuals live in joy through meditation, yoga philosophy, community, and selfless service.

Donate Today

If you have been touched in your own journey, by a talk, a prayer, a song, or a class,  please consider making a donation!

​Somos los representantes de Ananda en el Este Los Ángeles, con la intención de difundir las enseñanzas de yoga y meditación la comunidad hispana. Agradecemos su apoyo.