Spiritual Eye Meditation
José Luis Chávez Ramírez José Luis Chávez Ramírez

Spiritual Eye Meditation

Concentrate at the point between the eyebrows. Visualize there a tunnel of golden light. Mentally enter that tunnel, and feel yourself surrounded by a glorious sense of happiness and freedom. As you move through the tunnel, feel yourself bathed by the light until all worldly thoughts disappear.

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10 Ways to Increase Your Concentration
José Luis Chávez Ramírez José Luis Chávez Ramírez

10 Ways to Increase Your Concentration

Understand what concentration is: “Concentration is taking your mind off manythings and putting it on one thing at a time.” Often what distracts us are day-to-day misunderstandings and negative feelings. Here is a guided meditation to release negative feelings.

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9 Meditation Tips
José Luis Chávez Ramírez José Luis Chávez Ramírez

9 Meditation Tips

1. Timing and Regularity

Set aside the same time each day for your meditation. It’s easier to meditate on an empty stomach, so pick times before you eat, or 2 hours after a meal. Meditate every day at your chosen time, even if it’s only five or ten minutes.

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How Long Should I Meditate?
José Luis Chávez Ramírez José Luis Chávez Ramírez

How Long Should I Meditate?

The first rule is, don’t be ruled by what others do when it comes to how long to meditate. What works well for them may not work for you. Intensity of effort is far more important than the time spent in meditation.

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5 Simple Ways to Relax
José Luis Chávez Ramírez José Luis Chávez Ramírez

5 Simple Ways to Relax

For quick relaxation of the whole body:Sit or lie down before beginning this exercise, so you will be able to relax your body completely.

Gently tense the entire body.

Then relax and withdraw your mind away from the body.

Try to avoid any motion, as this will bring your mind back into your body.

Imagine that your body is jelly-like, without any bones or muscles.

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