6 Saturdays Beginning July 27th
In Person Spanish Class (Class 6/6)
6:00PM - 7:30PM
This step in The Path of Kriya Yoga Course prepares the student for initiation into Kriya Yoga, the highest technique of the path of Self-realization.
A Handbook on Discipleship includes lessons on discipleship and the Guru–Disciple relationship, the main theme of Paramhansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. These lessons are universal to all spiritual paths and traditions.
The following subjects are covered at length:
Does one need a living guru?
The role of divine grace in spiritual progress
How to follow a guru
How to draw on the guru's power
The importance of attunement and magnetism
In addition, there is a class on what it means to specifically become a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and the Ananda line of Gurus. Those who are interested can take part in a discipleship initiation ceremony at the end of the course.